7 Tips to Prepare Your Home’s Exterior for the Winter

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7 Tips to Prepare Your Home’s Exterior for the Winter



Winter is the perfect time for homeowners to unwind with their loved ones by the roaring fire. It's also an opportunity to tell funny stories. As autumn quickly transitions into fall, nobody would want to spend their winter vacation fixing the issues with their home's exterior. 

And for this reason, it's always best to conduct residential maintenance measures before the off-season. It helps you identify minor issues before they escalate into more significant ones. 

From deciding if your home needs power or soft washing to deep cleaning, here are some tips to prepare your house's exterior for the cold season. 

1. Conduct an Inspection 

A successful maintenance project begins with a thorough house inspection. You must examine your home's exterior to identify potential and current issues to help you save money from expensive repairs and more significant problems. 

However, you might overlook other damages, especially if you need help identifying them. And for this reason, it's best to contact your local home maintenance expert or inspector to examine your property. They'll know all potential issues and provide the right actions to address them.

2. Clean Your Roof and Gutters

Next, you should clean your roof, gutters, and downspouts before the winter season. Besides being unsightly, dirty roofs and drains can compromise the shingle's durability. While power washing is one of the best ways to clean dirt, debris, and mold, professionals don't recommend it in the winter because the water may turn into ice and will dry slowly. 

You must also ask a professional to inspect the roof for cracks or loose shingles to avoid leaks in the winter. 

3. Trim the Trees 

Besides bringing freezing temperatures, winter also carries heavy storms and strong winds, which can knock off tree branches. Falling tree branches can damage your roof and vehicle and cause accidents. 

And for this reason, you must trim your trees and keep branches or limbs at least three feet from your property. It's also the perfect time to rake dead leaves. 

4. Power Wash Your House 

Soft or power washing your home's exterior reduces the risk of damage and improves curb appeal. We recommend pressure washing your house between March and November. Otherwise, the water will freeze and make it more difficult for everyone. It's also best to call a professional, especially if you're inexperienced in power washing. 

5. Seal the Concrete

While your home's exterior structure is essential, driveways and walkways also need care. You can protect them and reduce the risks of cracks by concrete sealing. Otherwise, the snow and ice can negatively affect these surfaces. 

However, before sealing them for the cold season, you must check if your concrete surfaces have any existing cracks. It's also crucial to fill the damages in advance so they won't expand and multiply. 

6. Drain Outdoor Faucets 

Cold temperatures can freeze leftover water, causing pipes to explode. As a result, water will flood your lawn and the inside of your home. No homeowner would want that, especially when they're supposed to unwind with loved ones. Water damage can ruin your property's structural integrity and cause several health and safety hazards. 

Fortunately, you can prevent this expensive mistake by draining all your outdoor faucets. Disconnect the hoses and close the valves. You can always call your plumber if you need help doing these steps. 

7. Insulate Your Home

You must insulate your home's exterior before the winter, especially if you're in a state that experiences harsher winters. Besides keeping a warm home, a well-insulated and sealed home can also help reduce your energy bills. 

Check your property for gaps or openings and seal them properly. Close all your doors and windows properly to avoid air leaks. 


If you conduct maintenance on your home's property before the winter, you can spend more time with the people you love. Power washing and soft washing your home can boost property appeal and prevent further damage. 

Epic Power Washing Solutions, LLC offers high-quality power washing and soft washing services in Montgomery County to help homeowners prepare their homes for the winter. Schedule your appointment now!


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